With all the weddings in our church this summer, it has been tough to come up with a bunch of presents. I have hosted three bridal showers, and attended three weddings. Ella was the flower girl in two. This past wedding had two showers for the bride.
This particular shower was a "pounding" and grill shower. I had never heard of a pounding before I had come to the South. When Jason and I moved down here they had a pounding for us. It was so great. We shared our testimonies and everyone brought a "pound" of something to fill our cupboards. You wouldn't believe how much food we received.
So, I decided at this shower to make grocery bags for the bride. I found the idea of homespun heart. Though hers actually probably come out the same, mine were a labor of love from me. Mine, well, they are all different. Check out her tutorial. It's really helpful. She even offered to help me when I was stuck. Here's how mine turned out.
These are beautiful and such a great gift! Our local big chain grocery store gave out bags recently with each purchase. I acquired an assortment and we have gotten in the habit of using them BUT, I ant to be someone who uses handmade beautiful floral ones and wlaks casusally through Farmer's Market with my well behaved, calm, children....hmmm...
Kathy-I can picture it now! The wind is blowing, the produce is almost free, and the kids are not argueing. Are the streets gold too? They must be.... Only in glory.
WOW. I had a lot of typos on that first comment-Im sorry. I have been nursing while I type. maybe you really do need to use both hands.
ya know. People have been commenting lately how well behaved my children are. I keep thinking it is a tongue and cheek insult. It's happening alot. I am also getting comments about having a large family or alot of children. 5 doesnt seem like a lot, or enough to comment on. Not sure if I like people noticing. how long can I behave? What pressure!!
Kara, Your bag turned out great! It is so cute and I'm sure will be a well received gift. Very thoughtful...
Hope you are enjoying your time away!
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