Proverbs 27:15,16
A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike; to restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in one's right hand.
These verses make me laugh every time I read them. Proverbs are full of, well proverbs, about arguementative wives. When Jason and I are in a season of frustration I have asked him if he'd rather sleep on the corner of the roof. Humor is normally the thing that breaks Jason and I out of our funk. Not that these proverbs are jokes, but they do strike me as funny.
This weekend we helped with another beautiful wedding. Ella did great as a flower girl...she's a pro these days. Last night I heard the bride and groom missed the boat for the cruise. I felt so very sad for them, but then I thought of the reality of marriage they are very quickly facing. He is quickly learning the huge range of emotions his wife can express, in a minute.
I remember my first years of marriage. Though they were sweet in many ways, I don't wish to return to them. I am embarrassed by my own selfish behaviors, and I am grateful for the mentors that called me out. I can't even imagine what I'll think of myself ten years from now. I'm so thankful the Lord isn't through with me yet.
So I think I have the picture thing figured out! Let's see....So I can't figure out captions, and I need to stop messing and get to my laundry. So above you will see my Grandpa Homer, my girls and my guys. Sorry, no messy house pictures. It's all picked up now. Even my windows were cleaned. Thanks Jason! I love you.
Great job! You look like a pro!
you are like me; i was journaling every moment of my sons life and pics too; then i had a brain fart; i could turn all this lovely writing energy into a childrens book series; you should try it; you have now warmed up your daily skill, regular writing; now switch it to a book; you can do it;! saunasisuaatgmail
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