The best dad I know, who happens to live in my home, went to a parenting class today. It seemed ironic, but then again, what makes him great is that he is constantly growing.
Today, Ella's school had a class to make a craft for daddies and daughters. For Jason, it was time to spend with his firstborn. Jason loves his children with intentional love, taking time with each to make them know how special and important they are. I often see him holding one of our four kids and speaking truth to them. Truth of his love for them, but more importantly the love of their eternal Father.
The other day, he had to do some hard loving to a child who needed correction. That evening as we were praying as a family, I heard to new soft heart of my child, asking the Lord to give her a heart that would be willing to repent. A heart that understood God's great love, and that she would desire to obey. Her voice was soft and sweet, longing to know what was right in her life. She had not been pushed away and made to feel shame in the correction of her daddy, but rather, drawn close and loved extravagantly. Certainly, their were tears, but there was also much love and grace present.
The Lord loves us like that. He draws us to Himself, corrects us, and then fills the emptiness that was once unrepented sin, with the goodness of Himself. May we all seek a soft heart today. May we all have a heart that longs to grow and be teachable.
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