Remember when you first became a Christian? How your testimony was so very central to your faith. The constant telling of the pit I was pulled out of and the gratitude of being saved from that life of confusion and despair. When I think on those times, I feel like I was more focused on my past depravity more than my present weakness and sin. It also was a time focused so much on myself. Have I grown? Not too sure.
The older I get, the more I feel that I could tell a testimony today about how the Lord redeemed yesterday. How the process of my sanctification and regeneration has so much more to do with God than me. Though I will not forsake gratitude from what I was brought out of, I recognize today the ways I have been redeemed from myself for Him. How His power in my life can change my grumpy heart from yesterday, a moment ago, to one that is changed by His love for my next moment.
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