The cookies Ella made turned out so lovely. She couldn't believe I even let her lift the pan into the oven and out when they were finished. She really was so proud and was able to share her great cookies with others. I'm very proud of her.. I realize she is far more capable than I give her credit for on a daily basis. I'm not promoting giving her too much responsibility and usurping her childhood, but I'm also not going to allow her to coast without growing and trying new and difficult challenges. As first born, she often tries to be the mommy around here. I remind her that that joy was given to me, and her job is to be a great big sister...which she is. When I saw her pride at a job done well, it made me realize how much I need to let her go and have her own experiences. It's not easy for mama, but seeing her joy and pride was all that I needed.
Yesterday at prayer meeting a saint shared this poem with me. He told me to share it with you. It has no title or author, but it's meaning is clear. So all of us that struggle with worry.and is a poem for you. (and me).
Said the wildflower to the sparrow;
"I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so."
Said the sparrow to the wildflower.
"Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father,
Such as cares for you and me."
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