Where have I been?
Well, I have been buried behind boxes and boxes and boxes. I am still a little buried, but a little less buried. We have moved across town into a house we have owned for several years. The Lord has been gracious to us in this place. Though it is smaller than what we have gotten used to, it feels right. The kids have found joy around every turn. With only a small fraction of their toys, they have found plenty to enjoy.
For instance, one day, I had had enough of the world of boxes. I had found a kite, and off I went, young man in tow. We had a ball. We ran ourselves tired. We saw how high we could get our kite. Then we held hands and walked home.
Yesterday was our first Sunday at a new church. The kids were timid, Lake had been carsick from the curvy drive, but we felt loved and encouraged. You don't realize what you take for granted in the comfort of the everyday. When the communion came to Ella and I, she had a moment of panic, "is it all juice mama?" Umm, we had to stop the smooth process of their every Sunday routine to ask. New muscles, we are all growing new muscles. We are searching for the grace to grow these new muscles, but it's there. I knew it would be.
On our way up the mountain to worship, we were encamped by a cloud on the drive. It made sense to me. Fog. I get fog. I could only see right in front of our car. I felt safe with my guy at the wheel. I noticed the metaphor and I was thankful that nature could relate to me. I could not see the vast, beautiful mountain to my right or my left, I knew it's beauty was there, I had witnessed it before many times, but I could safely see right in front of my face. Once we got to the top, vomit. The journey is cloudy, sometimes makes us nauseous, but it's all grace. I am learning that struggles and suffering are also a part of God's picture of grace. That hard is good too, for us all.
Once we made it to church, we cleaned up our little man as best as we could. He was super stoked to be wearing a pj shirt we found in the back. He turned to his dadddy and said, "this is the best day." He knows grace better than us all. Half way through worship he turned to me, "mommy I'm hungry." Too funny.
I have a lot of growing to do. I know the nearness of the Lord is my good. I know He intended to grow in me this new grace. I trust Him. He is good, ALL THE TIME!
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