Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tire Swings and Kind Neighbors
True joy comes from many places. Certainly the creator of joy is far more creative than I ever could be in creating a beautiful place of rest and joy for my children.
I, on the other hand, had very little imagination for what our new life would be like. I seem to see all that is missing, all that I miss, but my kids see each day for the possibility that exists in it.
If we have been gone to school, to family, to the grocery, the absolute bliss my children experience getting out of the car and running to the backyard is fantastic. Two simple swings, a friendly neighbor, and a grassy field, has delighted my children for hours.
This morning, with sleepy eyes, my son went to the back sliding glass door to see if his new friend Miss Pat was on her porch yet. He almost tore through the door open when he saw her. I insisted he dress. I never saw him get dressed so quickly.
There is always grace provided. My kids help me to better see it everyday. Thank you Jesus for tire swings and kind neighbors. Thank you for dirty feet and worms. Thank you for friends that stop by and for friends who live next door. Thank you for the friendship I see shared among my children. Thank you for the lone tree in my back yard that is as generous as The Giving Tree Shel wrote so tenderly about. You knew we needed that apple tree to create a safe place of joy for my children.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sweet Sweet Moments
In the limbo of my day, I recognize many blessings.
A good sneeze
Holding hands
Baby hair curls
Cupcake making with littles
Fresh cut grass
New friend at the fruit stand
Thinking what I would cook new friend if I invited her to dinner
Sweet sweet birthday party planning for my baby
Big adult teeth in my little girl
My son who refuses to wear a shirt
My husband... everything
Avoiding laundry
Avoiding what if thinking and enjoying right now.
A good sneeze
Holding hands
Baby hair curls
Cupcake making with littles
Fresh cut grass
New friend at the fruit stand
Thinking what I would cook new friend if I invited her to dinner
Sweet sweet birthday party planning for my baby
Big adult teeth in my little girl
My son who refuses to wear a shirt
My husband... everything
Avoiding laundry
Avoiding what if thinking and enjoying right now.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Put a leash on that DOG!!!
Maybe I'm a jerk, but first of all I'm a mama. I have little tots that are somewhat timid around dogs. So when on a hike in a public place with your dog, please put it on a leash. Sure, maybe I have a wrong opinion of pit bulls, but mostly I have a strong opinion about the safety of my children.
And, I know you know how dogs can sense fear. So, though you are not afraid, my children are. Let's all enjoy God's wonderful creation with a leash. Seriously, even your tame little poode or kindly old lab... Put them on a leash!
And when after hours of hiking, I know how much you NEED to have a smoke. Again, I'm a jerk, but I came out for the fresh air, not your second hand smoke. Hike off the trail and do what you must, I understand the cigarette companies have spent a fair bit of money to get you addicted.
Alas, dogs and smoke could not deter my wonderful day with my children! Take a child in the woods and watch their curiousity grow. It's amazing the imagination that will bloom in a couple of hours in the woods. Hiking in the presence of puddles....even better!
And, I know you know how dogs can sense fear. So, though you are not afraid, my children are. Let's all enjoy God's wonderful creation with a leash. Seriously, even your tame little poode or kindly old lab... Put them on a leash!
And when after hours of hiking, I know how much you NEED to have a smoke. Again, I'm a jerk, but I came out for the fresh air, not your second hand smoke. Hike off the trail and do what you must, I understand the cigarette companies have spent a fair bit of money to get you addicted.
Alas, dogs and smoke could not deter my wonderful day with my children! Take a child in the woods and watch their curiousity grow. It's amazing the imagination that will bloom in a couple of hours in the woods. Hiking in the presence of puddles....even better!
Church Giggles
I have two things to report... I have a favorite new chore and I had a most favorite moment in church.
First, my favorite new chore is cleaning my tub. Seriously, after every bath time with the kids, my tub has the most unreal dirt ring around it. It is a sure sign of my kids enjoying themselves. The dirt they find displays the joy created in their new surroundings.
Secondly, yesterday we visited yet another church. It was a Saturday evening service. The music was loud and the songs were new. While watching my daughter sing her heart out I noticed a line in the song... It went something like this, "when God came to earth it was like a sloppy kiss." I looked at Ella, and we had a great big loud laugh. The music was so loud, we didn't interupt anyone in their worship. The freedom I felt in the loud music to laugh with my daughter was freedom itself. Joy expressed in worship was much needed. My heart felt so light.
Then after the evening of laughter, friends, good food, loud worship, my husband turned the car around and drove to see if the hot light was on at Krispy Kreme! Pure love. Jesus, family, friends, food, and a warm doughnut, my cup runneth over...Thank you Jesus.
First, my favorite new chore is cleaning my tub. Seriously, after every bath time with the kids, my tub has the most unreal dirt ring around it. It is a sure sign of my kids enjoying themselves. The dirt they find displays the joy created in their new surroundings.
Secondly, yesterday we visited yet another church. It was a Saturday evening service. The music was loud and the songs were new. While watching my daughter sing her heart out I noticed a line in the song... It went something like this, "when God came to earth it was like a sloppy kiss." I looked at Ella, and we had a great big loud laugh. The music was so loud, we didn't interupt anyone in their worship. The freedom I felt in the loud music to laugh with my daughter was freedom itself. Joy expressed in worship was much needed. My heart felt so light.
Then after the evening of laughter, friends, good food, loud worship, my husband turned the car around and drove to see if the hot light was on at Krispy Kreme! Pure love. Jesus, family, friends, food, and a warm doughnut, my cup runneth over...Thank you Jesus.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Valley of Vision
In Prayer
In prayer I launch far out into the eternal world,
and on that broad ocean my soul triumphs
over all evils on the shores of mortality.
Time, with its gay amusements and cruel disappointments
never appears so inconsiderate as then.
In prayer I see myself as nothing;
I find my heart going after thee with intensity,
and long with vehement thirst to live to thee,
Blessed be the strong gales of the Spirit
that speed me on my way to the New Jerusalem.
In prayer all things here below vanish,
and nothing seems important
but holiness of heart and the salvation of others.
In prayer all my worldly cares, fears, anxieties disappear,
and are of as little significance as a puff of wind.
In prayer my soul inwardly exults with lively thoughts
at what thou art doing for thy church,
and I long that thou shouldst get thyself a great name
from sinners returning to Zion.
In prayer I am lifted above the frowns and flatteries of life,
and taste heavenly joys;
entering into the eternal world
I can give myself to thee with all my heart,
to be thine for ever.
In prayer I can place all my concern in thy hands,
to be entirely at thy disposal,
having no will or interest of my own.
In prayer I can intercede for my friends, ministers,
sinners, the church, thy kingdom to come,
with greatest freedom, ardent hopes,
as a son to his father,
as a lover to the beloved.
Help me to be all prayer and never to cease praying.
In prayer I launch far out into the eternal world,
and on that broad ocean my soul triumphs
over all evils on the shores of mortality.
Time, with its gay amusements and cruel disappointments
never appears so inconsiderate as then.
In prayer I see myself as nothing;
I find my heart going after thee with intensity,
and long with vehement thirst to live to thee,
Blessed be the strong gales of the Spirit
that speed me on my way to the New Jerusalem.
In prayer all things here below vanish,
and nothing seems important
but holiness of heart and the salvation of others.
In prayer all my worldly cares, fears, anxieties disappear,
and are of as little significance as a puff of wind.
In prayer my soul inwardly exults with lively thoughts
at what thou art doing for thy church,
and I long that thou shouldst get thyself a great name
from sinners returning to Zion.
In prayer I am lifted above the frowns and flatteries of life,
and taste heavenly joys;
entering into the eternal world
I can give myself to thee with all my heart,
to be thine for ever.
In prayer I can place all my concern in thy hands,
to be entirely at thy disposal,
having no will or interest of my own.
In prayer I can intercede for my friends, ministers,
sinners, the church, thy kingdom to come,
with greatest freedom, ardent hopes,
as a son to his father,
as a lover to the beloved.
Help me to be all prayer and never to cease praying.
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A place to find encouragement to love your little ones, your husbands and those you come in contact with daily. Two does not have to be terrible. These are years to grow not simply get through!