So I wrote about getting on my A game. Then I came down with a breast infection. I remember crying feeling like my plans were being sabotaged. I was so upset. My guy came through as did the medicine.
Well, now I'm doing my best to get back on track. Every night Jason and I look at each other and ask a few questions.... What will life without school be like, and wouldn't it be so nice for our house to sell quickly?
In the midst of everything, we are trying to sell our little house we bought when we moved here. We had some great renters for a couple of years, but we are ready to hang up our landlord hats. We have been painting, cleaning, repairing, and making our little place look sweet and happy. We have been trying to find extra hours in the day to finish numerous projects. And with most projects, one begets another, begets another.
Last week when I was over there cleaning, I remembered what a blessing our sweet house was. We have been so focused on working on the house, I forgot how very thankful I am for the place that holds many fond memories. I hope a little family will be blessed by our sweet home.
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