Toddlers are Terrific
Friday, August 3, 2012
New Home
Thank you for stopping by today. I now have a new site where I will be writing.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Surreal Living
The best word to describe the past 48 hours is surreal. I decided to sit down and spend a few minutes writing to capture some of what we have experienced in the past few days. Pardon my ramblings.
Saturday evening a fire started in Waldo Canyon. A place I have often passed but have never visited. This canyon is near to our new home. 10 days new, still smells of fresh paint new, mostly unpacked new home on the west side of town. We happened upon this lovely home at an estate sale, we felt so blessed and grateful for our new digs. We could not wait to move into this home. This home is situated in Rockrimmon, where we have decided to place the church plant. This home found itself in an evacuation zone Tuesday afternoon.
So, we mostly lived in disbelief that this fire would actually have anything to do with us. Most evenings we would sit together, read updates from news sources, and watch the smoke on the ridge. We had fascinating views of wildlife, but we felt completely separate from this fire. Sure we packed, we videoed our belongings, we prayed, but we didn't face any type of reality that we would be displaced, evacuated, sent away.
Tuesday, we decided to enjoy some AC and take the kids to the movie. We had our dear friend Erika visiting, and we LOVE a good movie. While we were enjoying the movie, the winds shifted, and all hell broke loose. As I came out of the movie, I looked to the sky and saw the largest smoke plume I had ever seen. As I rounded the corner of the mall, the entire ridge was in flames. My heart sunk. I tried to keep composed for the kids, but I could hardly function. As I was driving toward the home, all I thought was why am I driving toward this mess. I had phoned Jason and he was similarly stunned. We met at home and had maybe 15 minutes to pack, give our possession that are dear to us to friends, and leave before the smoke was so oppressive we couldn't breathe. Erika worked hard to keep the kids calm as I frantically packed the most random assortment of clothing I have ever packed. I packed myself maybe one and a half outfits.
10 days before we rented a 26 foot U-haul to carry our belongings to our new home, and we found ourselves driving down the road with our children, Erika, and a few belongings. It was all we needed. We were driving down the road without a destination fleeing a scene I cannot describe in words, but will never forget. Had the movie lasted 30 minutes longer I would have not been permitted home to pack the few belongings we took.
I turned to Jason and said, I think we should go to the Mendicki's home. It was exactly the right decision. Our children have played and romped, laughed, dressed up and played orphan to their hearts content. One of the gang said they hope we don't get to go back home. It will likely be the highlight of their summer.
For me, I have been very grieved for the many families losing homes. I have been feeling so confused about how to feel. I understand that the Lord works in our brokenness. I believe He will use this to draw His children to Himself. I do not believe this has taken Him by surprise.
I just don't know what that all means for me. I haven't had a moment to process this. I haven't been able to get my mind around all that has happened. I don't know what to expect in our home when we are finally permitted to go home. I cannot fathom the destruction the smoke has done. I do know the Lord is asking me to open wide my hands with my home, my expectations of the church plant, of what I expected tomorrow to be. I know my fingers are being pried off of my need to be in control, put together, a leader. I know I have the opportunity to trust. I have a hope in the midst of my struggle I need to be ready to share His story, His truth, His comfort.
This has been a difficult year for our family with a move, a traumatic entry into the state, and now this fire. My kids could use your prayers. I could use your prayers. But even in the struggle I know we are exactly where the Lord wants us. I know this is exactly the time, the place, the people He has for us to do life. Easy was never promised, and I have not a single complaint. I just need your prayers that I would seek and find the grace to live honestly in the midst of this trial. To point my children to Jesus, His comfort, and His provision. I'm a prideful person who would much rather give than receive. The Lord is choosing to humble me.
You have all loved us so well with your prayers, texts, and calls. We have had countless offers of homes, help, and support. We have no idea when we will be permitted to see our community again, but we trust the plan. Join us in praying for our community. Please also pray for our church: Westside. If you would like to receive weekly updates please send your email address to:
We could certainly use your prayer support for the months to come. After the news reports have left, we will still be here. Random pictures for laughs. I've had enough of the fire pictures to last a lifetime.
you for taking the time to read the lengthy ramblings of a frazzled church planters wife.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Where it all began
We are headed to the place it all began. We are packing up the kids for a night in the mountains. We are taking them to the place our story originated. I vividly remember walking around the lake at Eagle Lake and seeing Jason walking with a lovely woman up to camp. I thought,"I forgot about him, but I need to pray that woman out of his life." It turned out that lovely woman was Jason's sister. Though I wouldn't encourage such praying today, it was certainly where I was, and it was the beginning of our story.
I later sat next to Jason, where he told me the goals for his life. To love children and Jesus and play outside all the days given to him. That night I wrote to my parents telling them I had met the kind of man I wanted to marry. That started a long friendship. Jason was clueless to my affections. I tried very hard to keep my feelings hidden. And as many of you know me, I'm not very good at keeping my feelings inside. Fortunate for me, he was clueless.
Eventually, Jason was brave and asked me to consider dating him. All of this took place at Eagle Lake. It was a place that worked diligently to keep our focus on the campers. I believe it truly was our focus, but what better place to find people who were committed to walking with Jesus. In our three years at camp, I believe at least ten couples from there were married.
We are excited to share this place with our children. If Eagle Lake hadn't existed, they would not exist. To show them our favorite hikes and our favorite quiet places. To show them the walk around the lake that forever changed my story. Maybe we will take a hike to the cross that overlooks camp. We will be spending time with dear friends from our camp days. With the man that took a bet on me as a counselor, Jesus knew I was a mess and didn't deserve the grace shown to me, but isn't that what grace is. Undeserved mercy. I look forward to sharing pictures of our weekend.
I am thankful on many levels for Eagle Lake. I'm thankful for the place that taught me to walk near to Jesus. I'm thankful that it was where I met the love of my life. I'm thankful for the children that are a product of that relationship. I'm thankful for the lasting friendships that have grown out of my time there. It will be nice to spend quiet in the mountains before Sunday. To spend time committing the church plant to Jesus. Committing future decisions of home, car, church, children, future to the One who has our days exactly numbered. I can hardly wait. Very soon we will be celebrating our anniversary, but this weekend I celebrate the place that brought us together. It hasn't always been easy, but there has always been grace.....from the very beginning!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Be still
Psalm 46:10-11
"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
I love waking up and having my coffee in a sleeping house. It is spring break and my children are in no hurry to wake. Twice I have peeked in on my sweet sleeping faces. I have enjoyed time praying, reading scripture, and sharing my fears and concerns with the One who loves me best. Jason is enjoying breakfast with a new friend, and I am enjoying coffee with Jesus.
There is a saying at Village 7, "Communities make big church small." Since we have been here, Jason and I have done a tour of the communities sharing about the church plant. I see how the saying is made true. Any given Sunday, Village 7 has roughly 1,500 people come through their doors. People then meet in smaller communities and build community among fellow believers. Several communities have made us feel very welcome, but we have not had the privilege of staying consistently in one spot.
This Sunday marks the end of our tour of the communities. This Sunday is the first time those interested in the church plant will begin a new community. For the first time since I have been in Colorado Springs, big church will be made small. I am so excited about seeing who the Lord has prompted to come. I am so eager to see the makeup of this community and how we will begin to build community with one another. Certainly, I also have many fears, but in my time this morning the Lord has done much to quiet them. As my children wake one by one, I know what faithfulness today is. I do not need to worry about tomorrow.
At the end of Psalm 48, I inserted Colorado Springs into the song, and it is my song for the church plant...
Walk about Zion (Colorado Springs), go around her,
number her towers,
consider well her ramparts,
go through her citadels,
that you may tell the next generation
that this is God,
our God forever and ever.
He will guide us forever.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Today has been a day of tears. This morning Jason called to tell me the news of our van. At first, I thought I could be reasonable. Then as I began cleaning the house, I became overwhelmed with the situation. I have felt overwhelmed by our medical bills and now our car dying. I called a treasured friend in tears wondering what lesson I was missing. I know I'm supposed to trust the Lord in all situations, but I really struggle in my own control (which is a farce).
About an hour after the tears with my friend, a new friend pulled into my driveway with an almost an identical van (only difference is that their van is clean), to the van of ours that just died. He said drive it until you have a plan. I couldn't help but cry. I was overwhelmed with the generosity of this family, and cried in sadness over my own lack of trust. Maybe someday I will understand how much the Lord cares about my family, my heart, my big and small concerns, but today I get to repent of my weak faith.
Thank you friends. Thank you for living near to Jesus in front of me. You have encouraged a discouraged sister this day. I'm truly humbled.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
As our family was facing a tough situation last year, I clung to Mark 9. As I spent time reading the Bible in that season, I felt as though I could not move past that chapter. It was a wonderful comfort, as only God's word can be. It is the story of the boy with an unclean spirit. I love the tender care that Jesus shows the situation. The father of the boy is at the end of his options, sounding tired and desperate. Jesus asks the father questions he knows that answers to already. He cares for the father by allowing him the grace to tell his story. He understands the importance for the father to unburden himself to a person that truly cares. Jesus listens. Jesus asks questions. Jesus heals.
This is the part I clung to in our tough season.
Mark 921-24
And Jesus asked his father, "How long has this been happening to him?" And he said, "From childhood. And it has often cast him into the fire and into water, to destroy him. But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." And Jesus said to him, "'If you can!' All things are possible for the one who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!"
And we all know how the story ends, but do we? Do we understand that we must face down our unbelief with Jesus near to us? Or do we live thinking Jesus cannot rescue us in our difficult situation? I have recently grown in fear of our mailbox. Yes, you read that right, I dread getting the mail. I am paralyzed by what I find inside. I should be rejoicing that I live in an excellent age of medicine that helped me when I was in need. I should be rejoicing in my healing and excellent prognosis concerning my heart problem. Instead, I crumble under the fear of our medical bills. I forget who owns everything. I forget the tender care of Jesus. Instead, I am convinced our major medical insurance is bogus and will leave us struggling for years.
I hate my unbelief. I hate my faithless worry. I hate my sin struggle in this area. "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief." You are so good, why do I fret and lose my peace? Thank you for Your love! Thank you that you are enough. Thank you for loving me enough to walk near to me in my unbelief. Thank you for loving me enough to show me my sin. Would you please allow me to trust you with my moment of unbelief?
And, as I watch the shepherd of my heart in this story, I am struck by the way he cares, even as he knows the answers to the questions. He knew this father and child before they were born. He had known their every step, every need, every thought before this day. He knew their struggle, and He knew He had a holy ordained appointment with a father and son in desperation,and that the appointment would bring great glory to God then and today. It did not come as a surprise to him. Therefore, as I shepherd and love those around me, do I employ this tender care? Do I ask questions I may already know that answers to in order to allow a burdened heart to be unburdened? Do I offer Jesus as the only answer to the heart sickness we all have? Do you? Good questions for me to pray through this beautiful spring day.
Lastly, favorite reader, I'm sorry for my format. For some reason, blogger is not allowing my paragraph breaks. I hate reading this in one big clump, but alas, that is how it keeps coming out. I will soon be switching to a different host.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Meeting Loneliness with Grace
I have, for so long, seen evangelism as meeting an unbeliever and sharing what it means to know Jesus. I'm realizing that sharing the complexities of my faith and love for Jesus is much more complicated. As I am currently in the community, I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people, believer and unbeliever alike. Today, especially, I have grown in thankfulness as Jesus brought two very different women in my life. I have the love of Jesus to share with believer and unbeliever alike.
At the heart of evangelism, is sharing. I'm learning that is sharing life, sharing loneliness, and offering friendship and the truth of Jesus. I have found that so many in this town are lonely and longing for friendship. I feel grateful for the people I have met who have shared their loneliness honestly. It's a risk to admit a need for friendship. It is a risk to say hi to a stranger. I think as Jesus accepts us in our depravity, He joins us to Himself in community. I believe honest community is one of our greatest heart desires.
I certainly do not have the corner on building community, but I do know loneliness. I do know that I long to be known. I want people not to just know the shiny, pretty places in my life, but the harder places in my heart. I long for community that will be honest with me in my ugly and point me to the Kind one. I feel so thankful for this day that brought two lovely women in my life. I have never deserved the kindness that was once shown to me by Michele, Jenny, and Mickey, but those women connected me to the God that has never left my community since the day I met Him, May 4, 1994. Thank you Jesus, You are the only cure for my loneliness. You are the One that gives me the grace to meet new people in new places. Thank you ladies that took the time to meet this simple believer today.
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A place to find encouragement to love your little ones, your husbands and those you come in contact with daily. Two does not have to be terrible. These are years to grow not simply get through!